Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Dear Tysabri

Thanks for no new lesions! 
Thanks for nothing. No, I mean it. Thanks for the last 12 infusions without incident. Well, except for the heart palpitation that one night. Meh. Thanks for the latest MRI scan which revealed no new lesions! And thanks for no relapses this past year! Thanks for giving me the opportunity to make new friends in the infusion room. Thanks for working so well in treating my MS.

Muchas Gracias!


P.S. Weird, I know, to write a thank you note to a drug. I’d be remiss if I didn’t recognize the fact that not everyone can take the big T. Either because of a positive test result for the JC Anti Virus or simply because it is soOoOoO expensive/overpriced. If you are able to go with Tysabri, be sure to inquire about their financial services through Active Access.  

P.P.S. If you’d like to read about how I made the decision to go with Tysabri, check out this post. I was presented with four drugs when a new lesion appeared last year and it was not easy to sort through everything! 


  1. I have been on tysabri for 1 year now. Unfortunately I have 2 new active lesions but I am up and walking around. So that is the bonus of tysabri for me. Had I continued on rebif I would be in a wheelchair now.

    1. Hey Tabitha. Sorry to hear that you have new lesions. MS is so unfair! Glad to hear that you're up and walking around, though. Keep it up as best you can. Thinking of you. Best, Christie

  2. This is such great news.
    I am currently going through my first bout of Optic Neuritis, and as a result of seeing my Neuro earlier this week, I was told that Rebif (been on this for 2 years since DX, but have had 2 relapses in the last 12 months) was no longer doin' its thang (crap!). So I am now in the place you were at last year...Gilenya or Tysabri? I am also leaning towards Tysabri...and, yes, there is plenty of data to read and it is very overwhelming! And yes, the PML business is frightening to say the least. Now I will wait until my JC Virus test results come back and have another discussion with my Neuro.
    Anyways, I enjoy reading your blog.
    Thanks, and I wish you many more years relapse free!

    1. Hey Sascha. Great to hear from you. Sorry to hear that you've been faced with this. Good luck with your JC test and I hope this next round brings you many relapse-free years! Best always, Christie


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