I love to ride my bicycle. This one morning in late October
was no exception. And I could not have asked for better weather. The sun was
shining, the temperature was warm and there were no head winds. Perfect biking
conditions. I strapped on my helmet,
hopped in the saddle, clipped into my pedals and took off, eager to ride as
quickly as possible because ultimately that is what I love the most about
As I rode, I noticed there were more cyclists around than I
normally encounter on this quiet path. There seemed to be organized groups with
some wearing matching colored jerseys. They appeared to be part of some kind of
cycling event and huddled together in groups. I remembered that the MS ride was
this weekend yet thought I read that the finishing line was in Encinitas. I paid little attention and continued my
cadence. Tick, tick, tick. I gained speed and rode on, wondering all the while if
it was possible that the Bike MS cyclists would end up on this quiet path 30
miles away. Hmpfh I rode on.
I only rode for two more minutes before approaching one of
these groups. All members of this club wore orange jerseys, MS orange I might
add. The group was resting on the sideline, seemingly finished for the day, so
I stopped. I asked if they were riding for the MS ride. Yes, they were. I told
them that I live with MS and one rider asked some questions about my diagnosis.
We talked about what type of MS I live with, for how I’ve had MS and a little
about my cycling. I was touched and I thanked them for riding that day. I clipped
back into my pedals and continued riding with a new motivation. Riding for a
cure. I am, I can, I will.
I clipped away and I slipped behind the stream of another
cyclist. It was just the two of us for a moment or two, yet he, being a more
experienced rider, took off, leaving me to ride alone. The chain, crank, cog and pedals ticked away,
kept me company as I cycled along the path. I took on a small incline and as I
climbed towards the top, pop! A flash bulb went off. To my right. Flash! To my left. Another pop! Directly
in front of me. Flashes went off as my picture was taken. “Oh dear,” I thought,
“I am no longer riding a quiet path.” I felt famous and gave a thumbs up to the
camera as the last flash went off. Pop! In the distance, I heard a crowd begin
to roar.
Thumbs up to the camera! |
It was at this point that I realized this IS the Bike
MS event and thought I should get off the path, not wanting to get in trouble.
Yet I felt forced to follow the route that was now outlined with orange ribbon.
MS orange. There was no escape. The path had narrowed and had no exit point.
Besides……my fans showed up so I couldn’t leave.
It was like riding the Tour de France and racing towards a
stage finish, or the big finish, in my case, of Le Tour de Christie. The crowd
escalated. The cheers roared louder and propelled me to ride faster and faster.
Yet I rode with a slight pang of doubt because I wasn’t supposed to be there. I
didn’t have an event number on my back. I reasoned with myself, “It’s okay. You
can ride, you have MS.” The crowd grew denser and louder as I continued on,
motivated by their support. Whistling fans waved flags of orange from behind
the route markers and I heard the race announcer’s voice piping through
speakers in the background, congratulating the riders. As I approached the
finish line banner, I was out of the saddle with a huge smile on my face. “Oh yeah.
I am doing this. I am taking the yellow jersey.”
I crossed the finish line, with my hand proudly held high in
the air. “I have MS and I just won the Bike MS ride!” Well, not really. But it
sure seemed like it. It wasn’t even a race. But I won my own tour. Tour de Christie. I
proved something to myself that day. I am. I can. I will.