Note from The Lesion Journals: today's guest post comes from Dan Digmann. You can find Dan and his wife, Jennifer, over at to read their stories of how they have taken on MS, together.
"Take Care" by Dan Digmann
Mainstream news reports covering recent medical journal
findings often make my wife, Jennifer, and me feel helpless.
Who can blame us?
We’re a married couple. We both have Multiple Sclerosis
(mine is relapsing-remitting; Jennifer’s is secondary-progressive). One of us
is in a wheelchair. Oh yeah, and we each serve as the primary caregiver for the
So when ABC Nightly News with Diane Sawyer reported earlier
this year that recent research showed the key to good health and reducing the
risk of heart disease is walking each day, we actually wrote the network to ask
what they suggested a person in a wheelchair should do.
We’re still waiting to hear back.
We’ve been well aware of studies linking the stress of
caregiving for a chronically ill family member to increased mortality rates
ever since we got married on Sept. 10, 2005. Perhaps our wedding vows would
have been better stated with, “In sickness and, uh, in sickness.”
But the MS couldn’t deter us from
getting married. After all, we met at a National MS Society event and knew what
we were getting into with this stupid disease we share.
Needless to say, we still are beside ourselves with what
Medical News Today reported in the middle of October. According to its story
Family caregiving linked to longer life expectancy, “A new US study led by
Johns Hopkins researchers contradicts long-standing beliefs that the stress of
caregiving leads to early death and instead shows that family caregivers live
around 9 months longer than non-caregivers.”
Imagine that: encouraging words from a mainstream news
report on research findings! The story indicates that the results are available
online in the current issue of American Journal of Epidemiology, and it in part
states that, “… many of the caregivers reported increased self-esteem and
receiving gratitude and recognition from the family members they cared for.”
Seems to make sense, doesn’t it? So often when it comes to
MS, people focus on the needs for things like medications, adaptive equipment
or programs to help the person living with the disease improve his or her
quality of life. It is interesting to note, then, that something as simple as
showing gratitude and recognition can have such a positive impact on improving
the quality of life for the MS caregiver
There is further information in the Medical News Today story
that points out the study doesn’t necessarily paint a complete picture of the
entire caregiving process and that further research is needed. But it’s worth
repeating that the research itself “…
shows that family caregivers live around 9 months longer than non-caregivers.”
Imagine if the key to increased longevity is as simple as
caring and showing gratitude. What an easy way to improve everyone’s quality of
For more inspiring essays from the Digmans,
check out their book. A part of the proceeds
goes towards the Nat'l MS Society. |
Thanks for stopping by Dan and cheers to you and Jennifer. Happy Holidays!